Kadeem Phillip Memorial Fund

On Tuesday, July 17, 2018, 21-year-old Kadeem Phillip was in the prime of life.  He had a loving family, dozens of close friends, a great job and a bright future.  Kadeem also had a motorcycle. On that day, at 11:15 pm, he lost control of that bike and collided with a tree in North Oakville. In a split second, Kadeem sustained extreme trauma to his body and even after the amazing doctors and nurses at Hamilton General Hospital operated three times to treat those injuries, it was determined that they were far too extensive and that there was no chance of recovery. He was declared dead on Saturday, July 21, 2018.

Kadeem’s family and friends wanted his death to mean something and decided on two things. First that his heart and lungs were to be donated so that this tragedy for Kadeem and his family can result in a miracle for others. The second is that they wanted to establish a memorial fund to provide support to families who are faced with life-changing trauma injuries suffered by their loved ones.

Funds collected for The Kadeem Phillip Fund will be administered by the Oak Park Neighbourhood Centre (OPNC), an organization that Kadeem and his family have been affiliated with for many years. They are a registered charity (CRA #85540 2244 RR0001) and are subject to an annual audit (financial accountability details are here). More information on OPNC can be found at the links at the top of this page.

Decisions about the granting of funds will be made by members of Kadeem’s family and the Executive Director of OPNC.

Please help us help others faced with life-changing medical emergencies by making your contribution today.  Click on the Donate link below to make your donation by credit card or PayPal. Cheques can be made out to OPNC (please write Kadeem Fund on the bottom or back of cheque) and mailed or dropped off to:

Oak Park Neighbourhood Centre
2200 Sawgrass Drive
Oakville, ON  L6H 6N3

Canadian residents will receive a charitable tax receipt to receive a deduction on your next tax return.

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