Low Income Supports

For Utility supports and tax completion, please see our new “Tax and Stretching Your Dollar” program for more details.

Food Bank

Doors open at 8:15am on Wednesdays and collection is from 8:30am to 9:15am.
Registration for this program is required to establish eligibility. Please email hello@opnc.ca or call 905-257-6029 ext.100 to register.
*Food donations can be dropped off during regular business hours, please email hello@opnc.ca to arrange a drop-off time.

Household Goods and Clothing

As we are made aware of needs for clothing and household goods, we will post those specific needs on our Facebook Page. If you have items that you would to donate, please contact us in advance (do not drop off unless we confirm the need. To be kept up-to-date, visit Like and Follow our Facebook Page  

Community Garden

Spots in our community garden and other local gardens are available to grow your own food.

Finding Hope in Poverty Support Group

Free counselling and peer to peer support group:
Wednesdays 10:00am – 11:30amhope@opnc.ca

HIPPY- Home Instruction For Parents of Preschool Youngsters

Home instruction for children aged 3 to 5 and their parents

Where People Belong, Families are Strong, Neighbours Care & Everyone Shares Follow us