Year-Round Income Tax Clinics
We provide free, year-round tax filing for eligible Halton residents. All you need to do is complete and email or setup an appointment to drop off the form below!
Who can use this service?
✔ Halton residents who have a combined household income at or below the following amounts:
1 person $40,000 or less
2 persons $50,000 or less
3 persons $52,500 or less
4 persons $55,000 or less
More than 4 people $55,000 plus $2,500 for each additional person
✖ We are only able to file for residents who are self-employed (i.e., Uber or InstaCart) if they are unincorporated and are simple.
Click HERE to download and fill out the 2024 Income Tax Registration Form and bring it with you.
How to set up your CRA account
Loans, Bank Accounts & Credit
We can assist with interest free loans for those who would not otherwise qualify. (Subject to approval). support@opnc.ca
Bank Account Comparison Tool: https://itools-ioutils.fcac-acfc.gc.ca/ACT-OCC/SearchFilter-eng.aspx
Credit Card Payment Calculator: https://itools-ioutils.fcac-acfc.gc.ca/ccpc-cpcc/CCPCCalc-CPCCCalc-eng.aspx
Credit Card Comparison Tool: https://itools-ioutils.fcac-acfc.gc.ca/CCCT-OCCC/SearchFilter-eng.aspx
Canada Learning Bond
Free Money for your child’s education. https://www.smartsaver.org/
Hydro & Gas Support
1. Leap program provides a one-time emergency payment for hydro and gas low-income customers who are in arrears.
2. The Ontario Energy Support Program provides a grant on your bill of between $35 to $75 each month.
Please fill out the required form, scan or take a photo of it and email to community@opnc.ca, and attach photos or scans of the documents listed below.
Utility Support is available Wednesday’s and Thursday’s from 11:30am-2:00pm
YouTube link on how to save money on Utilities Advice
1) Person applying has their name on the Utility bill and lives at that address.
2) Your household income is below the poverty line
3) Your account is in arrears.
4) Have a sustainable plan for how you will pay future bills.
5) You cannot have applied in the last 12 months for this assistance
For more information contact 905-257-6029 x 105 or email community@opnc.ca
You Will Need:
1. The current Hydro bill for your residence
2. Identification –identification for each person in the household.(If via email we will confirm this over the phone 3. 1 month of Bank statements for all accounts or tax assessment for anyone 18 and over in the household
4. Proof of rent/mortgage payment (This may be on your bank statement)
Online Money Saving & Budgeting Resources
Affordable recipes
Resume Templates
Save on Energy Costs
Budgeting and Saving
Compare Cell Phone Plans: https://www.comparecellular.ca
Making the most of your money workshop, Prosper Canada: https://yourtrove.org/courses/
New to Canada Money Management https://moneymanagement.prospercanada.org/
Money Management Online Free Courses by ABS Life Literacy Canada
Work Sheets by TD Money Matters